Friday, December 01, 2006


FRIDAY! Finally! I went to Sights and Sounds last night, wow was it cold! There was this ride that swings you back and forth and it started spinning too. I couldn’t breath while I was up there though because it was so high up and it was so cold. By the time we got on it there was hardly anyone there so he let us ride it twice…YES! I didn’t get a chance to buy food though, I ran out of money. I think I am going again on Saturday and I will definitely eat the food then. They have a stand that has really odd foods like, alligator, birds, and just weird stuff. I think I am actually going to try the alligator though, I heard it was good! I am loving this weather right now, its so pretty and windy! We put up the lights on my house last night and they look amazing! I am really nervous about finals coming up, I hope I do good on all of them…fingers crossed.