*On the bus this morning all I could see was a black blob because someone’s backpack was in my face the entire ride. I tried to tell him but he wouldn’t listen, so now I have red marks from the scrapping of the backpack every time the bus stopped.
*Class was completely boring….UGH….and my computer wouldn’t work, the printer was not cooperating and my assignment was late because of it.
*The wait for the bus ride home was awkward…..here’s the conversation
o “AH! I just barely missed my bus”
o “Aw, I am sorry to hear that”
o “What bus are you waiting for?”
o “The stadium bus”
o “Oh, you’re a commuter”
o “Yup”
o “Where are you from?”
o “Here….”(I try to avoid any more conversation because he looked like a stalker and he was picking his nose!)
o (Slowly pulls his phone out) “What is your name?”
o “Mari”
o (Hands the phone to me) “Here”
o “Why are you handing me your phone?”
o “Put your number in”
o (I WANTED TO RUN AWAY BUT I HAD NO WHERE TO GO BECAUSE MY BUS HAD NOT ARRIVED YET) “Oh I never really give my number out to people I don’t know”
o “Do it”
o I knew I was in trouble then, what was I suppose to do? I felt so scared and just freaked out! The bus finally came and guess what I did when I saw the bus pull up?......I RAN MY BUTT AS QUICKLY AS I COULD TO THE BUS! I have never met anyone so scary.
*On my way to my grandma’s house , I was on the highway and I was just trying to concentrate on the road, a CRAZY LADY came and was driving so fast, then tried to get in my lane right beside me, making me swerve. I thought I was going to die, I hate car accidents and I never want one to happen again!
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Jumble of thoughts
I’m so stressed right now. Paper here, paper there, another test, another quiz! UGH! I guess this is all just part of the process of adjusting to the transformation into college from high school. Maya’s stitches began to bleed today, so I am a little worried about that. She hasn’t been eating much, which is not very normal of her, and she’s just not acting right. I’m thinking of calling the Vet’s office tomorrow to make sure that everything is still ok with her behavior. Hopefully all is well. Tonight I have been driving myself crazy trying to figure out my math homework. Even though I have been to SLAC Lab and a tutor, I still need a little more work. Math is my worst subject so I spend hours trying to help myself and figure out the problems. Tonight I went to go hear John Carlos speak at the LBJ Ballroom, it was so good! He is such a wonderful speaker and he is really a nice guy! He had the whole ballroom laughing at his jokes. Hopefully this weekend will be somewhat relaxing and I can just not worry so much about everything that is going on.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
My poor Maya...
I took my dog to the vet to get spaded and the entire day I was so worried about her. When I picked her up from the office she was really drowsy and clumsy from all of the drugs. She got excited when she saw me and then just sat down and almost fell asleep. I felt so bad for her but she was acting so funny. In the car I tried not to speed or stop too fast because I didn’t want her to fly forward and hurt herself with her stitches. Her eyes kept closing and she continued to lean on the seat as if she were drunk. I couldn’t help but laugh because she was just full of drugs and acting completely different. When we got home she tripped over my flip flops, slowly walked to her bed, and fell asleep. I called the vet’s office to make sure all of this behavior was normal and they told me that it is very common behavior, so I wasn’t too worried.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
New York, New York!
On Flavor of Love tonight, Flav announced that New York was going to join the girls again in the competition! I cannot wait to see how this is going to end. Obviously Buckwild was not being real with Flav because she left just because New York was back in the game. I honestly think that Flav will end up picking New York as his final choice. I saw the previews for the next episode and it showed New York’s mom pushing Flav, telling him that she does not want her daughter with him. I cannot wait till next Sunday’s episode! On the other hand, WHAT WAS UP WITH THE HORNS LOSING! AH! It’s so frustrating because they could have played a lot better! I still love them though! I know I am jumping from subject to subject but I have a lot on my mind right now. Can I honestly not find one decent guy? I wish a good, nice, funny guy would just come into my life. Hopefully I will meet one soon.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
My day
I fell asleep about a million times in my EDP class....nice teacher and all but I have no idea why that class even exists! I thought I got enough sleep last night, but I guess not. Thank God tommorow is Friday, i'm so excited for the weekend. Today my brother, sister-in-law, and niece came over to the house. My sister-in-law cooked, but I think i'm sick now because of it. I think I ate way too much, too quickly. An old friend of mine kept texting me and annoying me, have you ever just felt that some people you just don't want to keep in touch with? It was really random them texting me and trying to hang out with me. For some odd reason my dog was acting way too crazy and hyper today, maybe she was just way to excited to see new people. I think I might wake up a little earlier tommorow so I can stop by Starbucks....mmmm....sounds like a plan!
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
A piece of my mind...........

Do people not understand that there are STILL standard cars out there? Seriously, I came so close to backing into this Mercedes on campus today. I'm so sorry that we cannot all afford nice automatic cars lady! Regardless if it is a automatic or standard, on hills you have to keep a certain amount of distance between you and the car in front of you! After class I came home and was greeted by my beautiful princess, Maya (my three month old Great Dane) and watched the episode of Flavor of Love that I had missed on Sunday, what an episode it was! I cannot believe that Flav sent home Like That, although he wasn't physically attracted to her he should have given her a chance to show him that she cared and was honestly making an effort. I honestly believe that he should have sent home Nibbles, she was acting like such a...well if you watched the episode you would know what I am talking about. She was so drunk and kept dancing around on top of Flav's friends, which obviously shows that she has no respect for herself. After the Flavor of Love show I began to watch a concert that Jessica Simpson did on MTV. It was the saddest thing, she started to cry when she sang a song that helped her through her divorce with Nick Lachey. She couldn't even finish singing, it was so sad. I will admit that I cried too! The whole situation between them two is just really hard to believe, they were so perfect together. Jessica said that she fell in love at a young age and sometimes people just change and grow apart, I can completely relate to that.
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