Thursday, September 07, 2006

My day

I fell asleep about a million times in my EDP class....nice teacher and all but I have no idea why that class even exists! I thought I got enough sleep last night, but I guess not. Thank God tommorow is Friday, i'm so excited for the weekend. Today my brother, sister-in-law, and niece came over to the house. My sister-in-law cooked, but I think i'm sick now because of it. I think I ate way too much, too quickly. An old friend of mine kept texting me and annoying me, have you ever just felt that some people you just don't want to keep in touch with? It was really random them texting me and trying to hang out with me. For some odd reason my dog was acting way too crazy and hyper today, maybe she was just way to excited to see new people. I think I might wake up a little earlier tommorow so I can stop by Starbucks....mmmm....sounds like a plan!

1 comment:

D Hadbawnik said...


good job getting the blogroll up, but keep posting, too. there's a starbucks in the academic services building which is kitty-corner to flowers hall, very convenient.