Sunday, September 10, 2006

New York, New York!

On Flavor of Love tonight, Flav announced that New York was going to join the girls again in the competition! I cannot wait to see how this is going to end. Obviously Buckwild was not being real with Flav because she left just because New York was back in the game. I honestly think that Flav will end up picking New York as his final choice. I saw the previews for the next episode and it showed New York’s mom pushing Flav, telling him that she does not want her daughter with him. I cannot wait till next Sunday’s episode! On the other hand, WHAT WAS UP WITH THE HORNS LOSING! AH! It’s so frustrating because they could have played a lot better! I still love them though! I know I am jumping from subject to subject but I have a lot on my mind right now. Can I honestly not find one decent guy? I wish a good, nice, funny guy would just come into my life. Hopefully I will meet one soon.

1 comment:

Lyndsey said...

It makes me so happy that someone else is addicted to that ridiculous show!!! Flavor of Love is the shit! And I agree, he will pick New York.