Tuesday, September 12, 2006

My poor Maya...

I took my dog to the vet to get spaded and the entire day I was so worried about her. When I picked her up from the office she was really drowsy and clumsy from all of the drugs. She got excited when she saw me and then just sat down and almost fell asleep. I felt so bad for her but she was acting so funny. In the car I tried not to speed or stop too fast because I didn’t want her to fly forward and hurt herself with her stitches. Her eyes kept closing and she continued to lean on the seat as if she were drunk. I couldn’t help but laugh because she was just full of drugs and acting completely different. When we got home she tripped over my flip flops, slowly walked to her bed, and fell asleep. I called the vet’s office to make sure all of this behavior was normal and they told me that it is very common behavior, so I wasn’t too worried.

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