Thursday, September 28, 2006

Random day

*On the bus this morning all I could see was a black blob because someone’s backpack was in my face the entire ride. I tried to tell him but he wouldn’t listen, so now I have red marks from the scrapping of the backpack every time the bus stopped.
*Class was completely boring….UGH….and my computer wouldn’t work, the printer was not cooperating and my assignment was late because of it.
*The wait for the bus ride home was awkward…’s the conversation
o “AH! I just barely missed my bus”
o “Aw, I am sorry to hear that”
o “What bus are you waiting for?”
o “The stadium bus”
o “Oh, you’re a commuter”
o “Yup”
o “Where are you from?”
o “Here….”(I try to avoid any more conversation because he looked like a stalker and he was picking his nose!)
o (Slowly pulls his phone out) “What is your name?”
o “Mari”
o (Hands the phone to me) “Here”
o “Why are you handing me your phone?”
o “Put your number in”
o (I WANTED TO RUN AWAY BUT I HAD NO WHERE TO GO BECAUSE MY BUS HAD NOT ARRIVED YET) “Oh I never really give my number out to people I don’t know”
o “Do it”
o I knew I was in trouble then, what was I suppose to do? I felt so scared and just freaked out! The bus finally came and guess what I did when I saw the bus pull up?......I RAN MY BUTT AS QUICKLY AS I COULD TO THE BUS! I have never met anyone so scary.

*On my way to my grandma’s house , I was on the highway and I was just trying to concentrate on the road, a CRAZY LADY came and was driving so fast, then tried to get in my lane right beside me, making me swerve. I thought I was going to die, I hate car accidents and I never want one to happen again!

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