Thursday, September 14, 2006

Jumble of thoughts

I’m so stressed right now. Paper here, paper there, another test, another quiz! UGH! I guess this is all just part of the process of adjusting to the transformation into college from high school. Maya’s stitches began to bleed today, so I am a little worried about that. She hasn’t been eating much, which is not very normal of her, and she’s just not acting right. I’m thinking of calling the Vet’s office tomorrow to make sure that everything is still ok with her behavior. Hopefully all is well. Tonight I have been driving myself crazy trying to figure out my math homework. Even though I have been to SLAC Lab and a tutor, I still need a little more work. Math is my worst subject so I spend hours trying to help myself and figure out the problems. Tonight I went to go hear John Carlos speak at the LBJ Ballroom, it was so good! He is such a wonderful speaker and he is really a nice guy! He had the whole ballroom laughing at his jokes. Hopefully this weekend will be somewhat relaxing and I can just not worry so much about everything that is going on.

1 comment:

Melissa H said...

i know exactly how you feel! Math is my worst subject and i have a test coming up thursday! No matter how much effort i put into learning math it just seems like my brain wants to reject it. Good thing this is the only math i will ever have to take, i hope its the same for you too!