Tuesday, October 24, 2006

AH!!! I DID HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!

Oh No! I think I did awful on my Communications test! UGH I HATE THAT CLASS! It’s so hard! Tonight we all got together after class to watch Nip Tuck….whoa great episode. Since Flavor of Love doesn’t occupy me as much I guess Nip Tuck will be my new thing! I want to see an episode of Desperate Housewives, I have heard so much about it, but I have never seen it. It’s annoying when people talk about shows you have never seen because you feel dumb! Darn…I have work tomorrow…I just realized that. Hopefully there will be a lot of return mail to occupy me. AW tonight I got to see a lot of my cousins I hadn’t seen in a very long time! It’s so awesome to see my family, I think my brother, niece, and sister-in-law are coming in tomorrow morning, YAY! I miss them so much, they live in Dallas and they rarely come down because my brother is so busy with real estate. I dread waking up early tomorrow morning, two things I will avoid next semester are 8 o’clock classes and night classes…..NEVER AGAIN WILL THIS HAPPEN!!!!

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