Wednesday, November 29, 2006
I cannot wait till this semester is over! My communications teacher is crazy, everyone in the class made a C grade or below on the speeches. I thought he said he was going to try to help our grades, not make them worse. The people I thought that did really well, ended up making really low grades. Already tomorrow we have our second speech, and I am so not prepared. This past grade he gave us has really gotten to me and intimidated me. I hope maybe this time he will cut us some slack because we only had one class period to discuss and review over our topics. I think my topic is ok, it is a persuasive style speech and I will talk about how Texas State should be a smoke-free environment because second-hand smoke is extremely bad for you. Someone who is a healthy human being can become sick because of someone else’s addiction to cigarettes. FINALS are stressing me out! I cannot believe that I have 6! That is crazy! Thank goodness next semester I am only taking 13 hours. I think I am also going to take History in the summer at ACC so it can transfer over here. I am dreading taking that class though, I heard it was really hard. Hopefully next semester will be a little easier on me because this semester has kicked my butt!
Friday, November 24, 2006
Today has been so boring, everywhere is still closed and I cannot go shopping because the outlet mall is so busy! One of my friends went this morning at 1 am and they said it was just CRAZY, and I believe it! People go so crazy the day after Thanksgiving, I guess they think it is worth waiting in line for a couple of bucks off of clothing. In my opinion, I would much rather be at home watching t.v., making fun of all the people who are out in the cold with thousands of others trying to get the same thing as them. Yesterday was really good, all of the family came over and we all had a good time. My friend from A&M came down and she said she loves it in College Station. OMG, SPEAKING OF A&M….THEY WON. Wow, I never thought they could have won against UT. That is crazy!
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Borat and Thanksgiving

Turkey Day! Turkey day! I am so excited about today, I am going to stuff my face with turkey haha. Some of my family have already come over and we had a good time. I think my brother and sister are coming over in about an hour. One of my brothers already is here at the house and we were playing Grand Theft Auto earlier this morning. I think my sister and niece are bringing Mad Gab later when they come over. My mom made three apple pies, two pumpkin pies, two pecan pies, fruit salad, stuffing, mash potatoes, a twenty three pound turkey, and lots of butter rolls. The only thing I hate about Thanksgiving is that the entire city is dead! There is nothing to do to kill time while we are waiting for the rest of the family to arrive. Last night I saw, “Borat”, it was so funny! At times I wanted to throw up, but overall, it was very funny. I really wanted to see “8 Films To Die For: Horror Fest”, but unfortunately it did not come here to San Marcos, and each ticket for each movie was eight bucks! So that did not work out well, but at least I saw “Borat”.
Monday, November 20, 2006
I can't wait...I can't wait!

Today has been so boring! I cannot wait until Thanksgiving, I am saving room for the turkey and stuffing! I am still trying to look on Wal-Mart’s website for someone I can contact to complain about the manager of the store here in San Marcos. I am still so upset about that, but at least my friend got what he wanted, the Nintendo WE. I am still debating about if I am going to work on Wednesday or not. My family is coming down on that day, but I think I can work a couple of hours at least. The office should be really slow because all students are leaving tomorrow to go home. I think I will just be stuck with filing and word documents. My boss is on vacation this week, so I am pretty much free to do what I need to do while I do my work. Some of the workers in the office made pies for today’s lunch. I had some pumpkin pie…YUM!...and some pecan pie…YUM! I hope they make more food for Wednesday! AH! One more day till vacation!
Sunday, November 19, 2006
So last night I was crazy enough to go with one of my friends to wait outside of Wal-Mart for a dumb Nintendo. That was the longest waste of time in my entire life! As soon as we got in line all I could see were a bunch of people playing video games on the televisions they brought. It was so funny. I couldn’t believe how serious these people were about gaming. So to make a long story short, we were number 23 in line. The manager of the entire store came outside and said that there were going to be 20 systems given out and 9 rain checks. So we decided to wait because my friend would for sure get it the next day with the rain check. Three hours later the electronics manager came up to us and told us that we could go ahead and leave because there were not going to be any rain checks. Well, to say the least, I was not a very happy camper. I was seriously pissed, so I picked up our chairs, put them in the car, and went inside to yell at the manager. He started to get an attitude with me and I just couldn’t help letting my anger out. I told him that not only did I, but also the others waiting in line, did not appreciate what had happened. Ugh….managers are jerks! We decided to check the lines at Target and Best Buy, and we waited at Target till 8 a.m. for the system. My friend got it in the morning along with the Zelda game, and we both left happy. I decided that I will refrain from going to Wal- Mart unless I absolutely have to, because idiots run it!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Tired, Tired, Tired
I am so tired, it is ridiculous, but this all comes with college. It sucks, but whatever. I had a speech last night, which actually went pretty well. I didn’t get nervous until I actually had to walk up to the front. I did my speech over who else?.....Flavor Flav. He was the easiest person I could think of because I knew so much about him already, so it was a piece of cake. This morning I had my math test. I just hate math in general, but I have been really trying to get better and understand more. I have a hair appointment on Friday, THANK GOODNESS, I need one so badly! This curly hair is going out of control! Hopefully I can get to bed soon and catch up on some rest that I have missed out on this week!
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Halloween and Today!

HALLOWEEN was so much fun! Although I had 8 o’clock class and a test the next morning, I still went out….such a bad person! O WELL I HAD FUN! I actually think I did really good on my test, so I’m happy about that. Work was boring AS ALWAYS! My brother wanted to take me out on the square, so a couple of his friends and I went…whoo fun! There were so many people there, it was CRAZY! So today I decided to take a trip to San Antonio to see my sister and niece and nephew. They both have gotten so big, they are too cute! I feel so bad for my sister’s basset hound, I think he is going to leave us soon. Tear, he was my old basset hound’s brother. They were so cute! I miss her so much! I think her dog has arthritis, so it is hard for him to get around. I found out what my niece wanted for Christmas, so I made a quick stop at the Forum at Toys R’ Us for her. I got two games for 20 bucks! I was so excited, good deal on gifts! I don’t know where I am going to put them until Christmas though.
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